NSF FAI: Using AI to Increase Fairness

AI Fairness and Law Project

Using AI to Increase Fairness by Improving Access to Justice

This project seeks to increase social fairness by using AI to improve public access to justice. Many AI tools are already streamlining legal workflows; such tools, however, often do not reach members of the public and legal service practitioners except through commercial paywalls that prohibit many from accessing them. As a result, these tools are usually available only to the select few who can afford them.

In this NSF FAI project, we leverage recent advances in machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), legal argument mining, and computational statutory interpretation that empower users to access high quality legal information at no cost.

More about the Project

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation under devision of Information & Intelligent Systems (Award No. IIS-2040490, $375,000) and Amazon ($225,000) 2021-2024. To learn more about the project goal and our approaches, please visit NSF award page for details.